Grocery Store Defeat
Giving Thanks To Another Mom
Do you ever
feel defeated, worthless, and stressed to the point of no return? Well, I was
there last night.
My son was
always so well behaved in public. People would come up to us when we were out to
tell us how great he was and how great of parents we must be; and that’s a problem.
Why is it an appropriate assumption that if my kid acts good or bad in public that
I am a good or bad parent? At the time I thought it was completely rational
because I do consider myself to be a pretty decent parent, I do try my best. I
do everything for my child, I put him first before everything, I love him
unconditionally, and he has everything that he needs; so yeah- I think I am a
good parent. But, that has nothing to do with how my child acts in public, and
now I am coming to realize that.
frequently than not I have been doing my grocery shopping on my own, running to
target quick alone, and trying to squeeze in anything I have to do during nap
time or when someone can watch my son. Not because I do not want to spend time
with him, but if it isn’t “kid friendly” or somewhere he can run around and
destroy things, it is not going to happen and will end very poorly.
I understand
he is 20 months; this is how he is going to be. Frantic, screaming, wanting to
run around wild, and out of control- not cramped up in a grocery store but at
the same time there are times I have to be out in public with him and cannot shelter
him from the world.
Yesterday I
had to run some errands and my son’s father was at night classes until about
9pm. We just had to run to Wegmans for maybe 5 things; it was hell.
At first it wasn’t so bad; he was
super cute saying hi to literally every person walking by. We grabbed our
things and headed for check out but the lines were so long and Gray was not
having it. He started screaming at the top of his lungs, for fun. His piercing
screams echoed throughout the aisles as his face turned red then would let out
a huge laugh because of course, he is the funniest person alive, right?
I pulled out every Thomas the Train
toy, Veggie Straws, books, etc that I had in my purse and none of it mattered. It all ended up on the ground with more earth shattering
screams along with it. So not only was I alone with a baby, pushing a cart,
attempting to pay- this possessed sounding child starts trying to stand up in
the cart while buckled in. The veins in his forehead start popping out he is
trying so hard to bust out of the car and what do you know- POP; the buckle busts off and there is Grayson
standing up and LAUNCHES off into my arms. At this point I am just about to
lose it; I don’t know what to do. I am so close to getting the fuck out of
there but yet so far away.
Now he decides to grab every little
candy bar off the aisle shelf and throw it either on the ground or in my cart.
The teenage boy who is working at the cash register is looking at me with despair,
disgust, and annoyance. This lovely woman behind me continues to pick up all of
the candy bars Gray is throwing at her and the Thomas trains that are on the
ground while talking to him and saying hello; “you’re a wild one aren’t you.”
Finally, I am almost done; I am
ready to pay. But what do you know, I swipe my card and my “wild” son keeps
pushing the big red X to cancel; over and over again. I hand him 6 other cards
to keep him busy for 3 seconds but he doesn’t care. You can see my defeat, I am
giving up, and I am about to walk out of there without all of my groceries (5
goddamn items) and not even pay.

So no matter what your child acts
like during their terrible twos, feisty fours, or whatever age do not let it
defeat you and do not let others allow judgment into your life, especially
strangers. You cannot shelter them from the public forever if they are going to
throw a tantrum or let out earth shattering screams- it is okay; it’s what kids do.
Thank you to the mom behind me in
line who was kind enough to talk to me and allow words of, what may not have seem
it at the time but, comfort; I really needed that.
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