Day 11:

What's Your Vision?

So for today/yesterday's challenge (since I slacked hard), I want us all to create a vision board! It is a proven fact that visualizing things you hope and dream of can be a great exercise of the mind. 

I am sure we all have heard of the the book "The Secret" based on the law of attraction: Manifesting what you put out into the universe is what you will attract.“The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.” The Secret. 

Creating a vision board does not need to be solely based on material things or exact things you want, it can be; it can be whatever you make of it. It can be feelings that you wish you attract into your life for the future. It is all up to what you envision for your life. 

We are sort of creating a time capsule for our older selves...

What did we want for our lives at this moment in time, what did we want to manifest consciously or not? 

For example, next to where I work is this old, beautiful colonial farm house. I love it so much. I envision myself sitting on the porch next to the pillars all of the time, I want this house, I need this house. I will be putting this glorious home on my board. But that is not all I want to put on my board. I want to put a picture of a typical Sunday meal setting at my fathers house because that is one of my favorite feelings ever; getting my immediate family together and now my own small family together every Sunday for dinner, movies, and relaxing is one of my favorite things to do. The comfort, bonding, and love that is there I never want to lose and I always want to have that for my family. 

This is your board, make it what you will. Add something to it every day, every other day, or once a month. What you feel is right, and what you aspire to feel, be, and have in the years to come or even tomorrow. 

The universe is ours, visualize these dreams into a reality! 

What can
I use?
  • Any sort of board, shadow box- big or small remember it is yours!
  • Magazines or pictures from online
  • Quotes if you want
  • If there is something around your house that gives you a special feeling!
  • Glue, stickers, craft materials etc

Bring your board to life! 


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