Day 15

Declutter your life:

Letting go of physical clutter around you gives you the opportunity to declutter the mind, body, and soul. 

For today's challenge, I suggest getting rid of 1 item per day until the end of this challenge for a total of 15 items.

As the days go on, let the items become more challenging, sentimental, larger etc.

For example- today get rid of an old candle, mascara, picture frame that you never used or are just keeping around because you feel like you have to (I am a hoarder I know..) as the days go on let it be clothing items, small home decor, etc. Then when we get to day 15 of this and ultimately day 30.. it will feel really good to have some things out of your way and also the ability to declutter without hesitation might become a habit; I don't know about you but I need that! 

It's better to find items that you can donate than to throw away because someone else could really be in need of your old stuff! But like I said today I will probably get rid of something old and half used so that is something I wouldn't donate. Use good judgment, do this for you and for others! It will feel really good 


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