Day 17:

Get Cooking!

So yesterday's indulgence we will leave alone and start fresh today! So tonight for dinner your challenge is to cook the freshest, cleanest recipe you can find that still seems delicious to you! 

There are so many delicious recipes out there that contain nothing but the best ingredients you just have to find them! Make sure your recipe contains everything from scratch, nothing from a box, and everything delicious!! 

Not only will you physically feel great, but you will feel so accomplished that you created this master piece.

My recipe tonight will be from a Hello Fresh recipe that I received over the weekend! I have been cooking these about 3 times a week and absolutely love them! I save the recipe cards for a later date and just grab the ingredients from my grocery store. I have been loving this lately! Sure, I am capable of going to the store and getting my own food, but sometimes I draw a blank and can't come up with new and delicious recipes that are actually healthy for me; this helps immensely! 

Comment below with what you plan on cooking to share with everyone and if you would like to try Hello Fresh comment with your email below and I will send you $40 off your first purchase!! I usually get 3 meals a week for under $60! You can cancel or pause a week at anytime! 



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