Day 4: Breathe

Try Making Your Night Stress Free:

So my commute from work is a good 35 minutes and there are 2 ways to get home. One highway is shorter in distance while the other is a little bit longer. Personally, I take the one that takes me a little longer to get home for a few different reasons. 

The shorter distant highway is so extremely congested and gets backed up almost every single day. Since I get back into the city area around 5pm, it is straight mayhem and I want nothing to do with it. Also, it smells like pollution, gas, and huge tractor trailors and no one wants to look, smell, or listen to all that chaos after dealing with what I had to all day or even if you have a care free job. 

I chose to drive for a little longer on a highway that never has traffic, more scenic views, and I never find myself verbally or mentally cursing at the person in front of me. 

It Is So Much More Relaxing.

I can completely tell the difference of what way I went home when I reach my destination by my attitude, my presence, and my determination to do things. 

Such an easy decision to make when you really think about it right? 

Whatever it means to you if it is the literal sense if it has a different meaning...

Take the longer and stress free way home today and.. 

Happy Day 4


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