Day 8 

Daily Reminder.

Sometimes we all need that little reminder that everything is okay/great/wonderful/-all the above. Let's be real here, sometimes it isn't always rainbows and sunshine and we all need to remember that in the end everything that is meant to be, will be. 

In the meantime, whether it is an amazing day, average day, or a really shitty day it is nice to have something we can visualize and have a reminder that everything is great. 

This can be a picture on your desk at work, a quote on your mirror, a beautiful picture/quote for your phone background, or like I have here these adorable bracelets stamped into daily reminders. 

My blessed bracelet was a gift given to me by my cousin as a "push present." So now everyday I look at it I remember how blessed I am every day and to have my baby boy in my life. 

My Bodhi bracelet I purchased off etsy at Stamped World. I decided to go with "Bodhi" because this means "awakened" or "enlightened" in Sanskrit. After my day of enlightenment (you can find that in My Why Post), I decided I needed a daily reminder of that moment, of that feeling. 

I definitely encourage you to check out Stamped World on Etsy! One word and my cute sun, I think it came to about $7.50 and with shipping it was about $12.50 all together. SO WORTH IT! 

If finances are tight, that's okay, this is a no purchase necessary day! Go to google, find and inspiring quote, word, or something that means something to you and plop it right next to where ever you look! 


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