Journal Away:
Sometimes you may feel frustrated, stressed, or just want to get something off your chest but there isn't anyone there at that present moment to do so. This is when you turn to your journal; a place where you can get your most intimate details of your life out, on paper, and explain it how you want to.
Do you ever try to explain something verbally and it just doesn't come out right? (my life) Well when you write something down, you have the time to process and decide how you are going to explain it.
Don't get me wrong, you do not need to journal just when things are going wrong; you should journal about anything and everything. For example, you could journal how you feel in that present moment, how your day went, what you experienced that day, what you want for your life, or things you dream about.
I started journaling by the recommendation of my partner when I was going through a really depressive time in my life. He told me to do it every night before bed. I thought it sounded ridiculous; it just was not something I ever thought was actually an effective tool for people, especially for me.
But I tried it, and it felt great! I will admit, my lifestyle has become a little chaotic lately so I have not been on top of my journaling lately!
SO! -Challengers- we will do this together! Below I found some awesome lists off Pinterest that give some great journaling ideas; I always get super stuck on what to write and will sometimes find myself just complaining about things and that is NOT what I want to do or want you to do because remember this is all about positivity and self love! But if you need to complain, get something off your chest or like I was before, going through a really hard time, this is a great place to discuss what is going on. Just don't forget to add some positivity in there as well.
So starting tonight (or tomorrow if you need to go get a journal) let us start writing together!
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