Let kids be kids

Every night we like to take my son Gray out for a walk. He loves anything to do with the outdoors. For the last week it has been raining every single day and night so our out door activities have been pretty limited, even though he wouldn't mind being in the rain I wasn't having it. 

Finally yesterday it was a beautiful day, THANK YOU! So naturally we take a walk around our neighborhood. Every puddle he swishes his feet in and jumps around. We approach a giant puddle and Gray goes running full force and disappears! This puddle must have been at least 2 feet deep. We panic for a moment about to dive in and all of a sudden he pops his head up from the water with the biggest smile I have ever seen. Neighbors started coming out watching him, and probably judging us as parents, but let kids be kids. If they want to swim in a 2 foot puddle let them! 

How can you say no to that smile? 

Of course posting this on my personal FB account I had some backlash from family. But really what's the harm? Look how happy my guy is!


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