Stay Sexy, Don't Get Murdered: The Podcast That Created a Community

For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with true crime. But it wasn't always appropriate or in the norm to share your love of serial killer documentaries or how many "I Survived" episodes you have watched.

My Favorite Murder, the podcast starring Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark aired January 13, 2016 the first pod called, "My Firstest Murder." Since the start of this podcast an entire community has began and my sense, and thousands of others sense of feeling inappropriate is totally out the window.

All of us "Murderinos" as we now like to refer to ourselves, realize there are so many people out there who.... love murder. I know that sounds awful but if you are a murderino you know exactly what I am trying to say.

To break it down, Karen and Georgia are two comedians who discuss a murder they chose, weekly. They do research on a particular murder, kidnap, or just terrifying story and give the raw details while remaining hysterical. It is hard to imagine talking about murder while being funny right? But they do it well, and beautifully. Never do they insult or make jokes about the victims, the comedy usually comes before the actual murders are told if you aren't a skipper.

I was introduced to the podcast by my boyfriend about 3 weeks after it aired. He made me listen to an episode because he knows how much I love true crime. There is a lot, 45 min, a lot of banter. I immediately shut him off and said "No, I don't like it." So secretly the next day I was alone on my way to work and tried it again; I completely fell in love. These two are hilarious, wise, and feel like the best friends you never had. Sometimes the banter is the best part (skippers stop skipping you're really missing out).

Not only do they discuss the murders they found each week, which can be current, 100 years ago, or just a few years ago, they also read subscribers hometown murders. The influx of emails that were flooding their inbox was insane that they had to create a separate recording for it as well.

So if you or someone you know had a crazy incident, encounter, or murder that happened in your hometown/current town/moms town (you get it) you email it to and their lovely assistant Steven gets them. If you have a bomb subject line, your murder is more likely to be chosen to be read on air.

I went to a live show they held in Boston this past winter and it was just amazing. They really know how to put on a show; live or in Georgia's living room.

They really created a home base for this community of true crime lovers to chat, share stories, and feel like they aren't the only ones who go to family parties and no one wants to hear about Ted Bundy.

If you listen to podcasts try it out! you will love it. If you don't listen to pods, let this be your first. Don't worry, if you're into live shows, they'll be back....

Remember murderinos.....


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