The S#!t They Don't Tell You

So I thought I would start my first post about my journey into motherhood. You hear from so many people that pregnancy is such a beautiful and joyful experience, LIARS; at least from my perspective.
No one tells you about all of the disgusting, painful, and moody things you are going to go through. The only things that were ever shared with me in the early weeks was: the pregnancy glow, food cravings, and a few labor stories. If only someone were to tell me what to really expect.

Of course I had the food cravings! Who doesn't? My personal cravings were green beans, mashed potatoes, and smores- that's how I gained 50lbs. On average you are supposed to gain between 25-30lbs during your pregnancy and I just completely went overboard. This also took a huge toll on me.
My moodiness was to say it softly, intense. To this day I look at that person that I was and despise the fact that regardless of the situation and hormones involved, that I succumbed to that. There was one time my partner and I were driving down the road and I screamed at the top of my lungs telling him I wanted to punch him in the face. My reasoning?..... The sun was too bright....

That basically sums up the ups and downs of the entire 9 months. It was terrible.
By month three I started to have severe sciatica pain which required me to go see a physical therapist once a week. My SI joint was so off that my nerve was pinched between. After a few weeks they said there wasn't much they could do; deal with it.

Nothing ever really went wrong with my pregnancy it just wasn't enjoyable at all. We had to move while I was 7 months pregnant, my doctors were incompetent, and I was stressed to the max. I tried my hardest to stay positive but at times I felt I was being tested.

No one tells you what a mucous plug is or when to expect it and no one tells you what a bloody show is either. I won't disturb you too much if you want to know you can google it. But let's just say I was mortified and so confused when both of these things happened to me. And my so called highly ranked, best doctors in town were not very helpful.

I was 2cm dilated for two weeks. I tried every trick in the book and nothing. The day I went into labor I knew I was going to be there for a long time.

I started labor at home at 4am Wednesday morning and didn't have my son until 10:23am Thursday. I wasn't one of those moms who wanted to go all natural- I wanted the drugs. But as well as everything else was going my epidural didn't work!!! So then I use to get a spinal.

I finally feel like things are looking up. The EXCRUCIATING pain is subsiding, I feel relaxed, and very at peace. I'm ready to do this.

I call the nurse in to tell her I'm ready to push (no one was ever in the room with me !?!).

A student nurse and a first year resident come in to deliver my baby. My high risk baby. My doctor never showed. No one ever showed. At that time I didn't care I just needed to get this human out!

Then the nurse told me you aren't supposed to start breastfeeding for 24hrs. How would I know the difference ? I trusted the "professionals." My son dropped an entire pound in 2 days because we did not feed him due to their lack of experience.

Thankfully with the help of the students, my 2 week early baby came out perfect. Happy, healthy, and beautiful.

I held a lot of negative animosity for a long time for the fact of the negligent staff and that a physician never showed. My partner made me realize we were lucky everything came out just fine. I now look at it as an experience to make sure I always advocate for myself. If something doesn't seem right - say something, do something. Do not let someone who says they know what they are doing make you feel like that is what you have to do.

That negativity stayed with me for an unreasonable amount of time. But then I look at my beautiful, happy, smart, healthy 18 mo year old little guy and all of that negative energy disappears.


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