Yoga at Home

For my job I commute about 35 minutes each way. I usually get back into town around 5/5:30pm. This gives me enough time to make dinner, play with my son, and then get him ready for bed. I do not even get enough time in the day to spend with him, my partner, and I essentially have lost a lot of "me" time which comes with being a mom. 

One thing that I really always enjoyed doing was rolling out my mat; my yoga mat. My practice seriously suffered after having my son because I almost felt guilty taking that time after work away from him, or time on the weekends when we actually had real time to spend together. 

I have netflix, hulu, and fios that has yoga videos available, but it just wasn't the same. Then I found oneOeight and it completely changed my practice. 

Rachel Brathen, better known as Yoga Girl is the founder of this amazing website. She is a well known yogi in the community. She also just started her first Podcast which is so intimate and raw called From the Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl.

Not only does oneOeight offer hundreds of different style yoga videos but it also offers, guided meditations, nutritional tutorials, and their own blogs from subscribers. New videos are uploaded all of the time so you will never find a repeat. 

Whether you have 5 minutes or 60 minutes, if you are looking for a vinyasa flow or sup yoga, or if you aren't sure of the level you are at right now- you can customize your practice to your liking. 

There is a section in the "MOVE" category called +heal. Listed are "all, injury, heartbreak, or loss." I thought this was absolutely amazing. When I am stressed, lost, or just feeling not myself yoga is where I turn to. So having a customized class to heal your needs can be essential for some. 

Sounds pretty great right? Well it gets better...
They offer a 10 day free trial to make sure this is something that works for you! After that 10 days your monthly cost is only $14.00 a month! 

As much as I love getting out of the house and being surrounded by people who love the art and practice of yoga, sometimes it just isn't possible. oneOeight allows my practice not to suffer and still gain all the benefits I would inside of a studio! 

Check it out!



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