Day 27


In order to change your life you need to take control of your life. If you aren't happy or peticularly comfortable in one aspect of your life then it is time to make a change.  

For today's challenge I want you to write down 3 goals you have for a 5 year plan. They can be as unrealistic as you want them to be; because if you manifest it, strive for it, you can conquer it. 

Here are some tips and tricks on how to manifest your dreams. 

If you want it bad enough- it will happen. Speak out loud as if you already have these goals. Write in your journal daily about ways you can get to this goal and how badly you want it; the universe is listening to you. The universe is NOT listening to you complain on your couch about how unlucky you are. YOU are the only person who can get you out of where you are now! 

Get up and make it happen! But first, organize what it is you want to do, what it is you are striving for. 


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