Day 29

Where is your favorite place ? 

My favorite place of all time is this desolate, unknown, magnificent spot I call "The Windmills." It is a place in the middle of no where that has hundred and hundreds of windmills everywhere. 

Before I had my son I would go to this beautiful spot at least three times a week. I would drive up and hula hoop, relax, read, think- you name it. My friends would all want me to bring them up there, but other times I just went alone; it was my place to go to get away. Sometimes you need those places to escape from reality and this spot was perfect for just that. Some spots up there you won't see a person for miles, maybe a cow or two, but no people in sight and no cell service.  That could become dangerous - but I couldn't get enough. Since my son has been born I have only been up twice. Even saying that shatters my heart because this place was home to me. For years and years I would go there when I was so happy, heart broken, sad, and angry. It sounds so crazy but these windmills (my favorite windmill Franklin) knew all of my deepest darkest secrets and feelings. 

The surrounding neighbors would see my car and wave as if I was a neighbor, but they all knew what I was doing there. The windmills of course are dangerous in some capacity so they are a restricted area, but no one ever gave me any hassle because it was home to me and it was like they knew that. 

So for today, visit a place that is so very special to you in every way, a place that brings you home. 
This could be a place like the windmills, it could be a drive by of your childhood home, your favorite restaurant as a kid, or your grandmothers kitchen. 

You decide what this means to you, but let it truly mean something to you. 
Maybe today, bring someone you love as well to share that emotion with. Show them why this spot means so much to you. 
I remember when I first started dating my boyfriend he said "can you bring me to your windmills, I want to see the place that means so much to you."  At that moment I knew he was a keeper. 

When I drive down this one hill that leads me into the valley of the windmills I sincerely get goosebumps; you can see windmills for miles. This place and near and dear to my heart and always will be.


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