Day 30

30 Days of Growth, Aspiration, and Change

Everyday, whether we know it or not we change or grow in some way. It all goes back to "you learn something new everyday." I truly believe that and I truly believe that when you learn something new in life you learn something new about yourself.

Throughout this 30 day self love challenge I have learned so much about myself and about others. Not only have I learned, but I have seen a huge change in myself and in my relationships with others; completely positive and uplifting of course. I hope that if you have read any of these posts or even one you have been able to see somewhat of a change in your life. 

I will leave these posts up for at any point we all want to reflect and do this challenge again! I think that anyone, including myself, can benefit so much from self love in so many ways.

So for today's challenge I want you to go back to the first self love challenge that you read here; that could be Day 1, or it could be Day 25, it doesn't matter! Re-read that post and remember what you felt like in that moment; where you were, why you decided to read a self love blog, etc. If this is your first post that you are reading try to remember how you felt 30 days ago- what were you feeling in THAT moment. 

How has the last 30 days of your life changed? How has your personal growth increased? What have you done to improve your quality of life and consciousness for yourself? 

List 5 things you have done since any of those markers... 

If you have more than 5, keep the list going. 

It can be quite amazing to see your personal growth in as little as 5 days or 30 days,  if you try. 

There will be more challenges and posts to come! Thank you all for joining me on this journey into loving ourselves that much more.

You have grown in so many ways. 


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