Need a Break?

   Sometimes we all need a break but sometimes it is hard to find where that break can be found? Am I right? Working full time, finishing up classes, and still trying to find time for my son and myself lies the question -  When and what do we eat? 

   As I discussed in a previous post, my partner and I have been ordering Hello Fresh every week and have been loving it! But the meal sizes are just the perfect amount for him and I and the family size is a little expensive and a little too much food for the two of us and our little guy. 

  Obviously I want my son to eat well and have a well balanced meal too so I started doing some research and found Yumble. It is a meal delivery services just for kids. You can chose from :
Dinners, lunches and/or snacks for 1 kid!
$7.99 /meal

Dinners, lunches and/or snacks for 1-2 kids!
$7.49 /meal

Dinners, lunches and/or snacks for 2-3 kids!
$6.99 /meal

And all of the meals come with a fun activity packet along with coins to trade in for prizes later on! 

We just received our first box yesterday and the mac and cheese was so delicious, my son ate it up! The protein balls (I am definitely claiming these... ) DELICIOUS. I need to figure out how to replicate these because OH.MY. GOODNESS!!!!!

The best thing about these meals is they all come individually packaged and ready to go, all you have to do is warm them up. No preparation, no hassle, nothing. Just delicious, healthy meals for your little ones!- Perfect for back to school!

Try it out risk free with my code below! You can skip any week or cancel at any time! 


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