Day 12:

Inspire Someone

I know it sounds sort of cliche, but do it!  Inspire someone. It could be the simplest task you do today, but impact someone the most, including you!

Inspiring someone doesn't have to be something huge or extravagant, it can be so effortless you might not even know you are doing it! But I want you to know you are doing it because I want both parties to feel the effects from the inspiration. 

It could be referring someone to an inspirational blog, article, or podcast. It could be something as uninvolved as telling someone something they do well and that they should keep on doing it! 

I have had friends people feel that they are not worthy and get a lot of self hate which causes them to back out of things that they are so amazing at doing!Inspire, Inspire, inspire and spread self love; you might not realize how much it can improve someones day or someones life just by letting them know how great they are. 

Kindness, inspiration, and love need to be given off a lot more and a lot easier than it is. You do not always need something in return to give. You will find that inspiring someone will feel... REALLY good for you as well. 

The nicer we are to others, the more positive energy we put out into the universe! 


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