Day 16

Treat yourself!:

Happy Sunday beautiful people! We live in a world that's has requirements for everything including what is in the norm of what is appropriate to eat. I know for me when I want something that I know isn't the healthiest for me my first thought is "oh I shouldn't" knowing that I usually don't eat like this and in moderation there is nothing wrong with it! 

So today, indulge in something you have been wanting for a while whether it is ice cream, a big cheeseburger, or a plate of French Fries. Do it today without hesitation and without feeling guilty! We deserve to relax with a pint of Ben and Jerrys once in a while right!?! 

Tomorrow's challenge will be totally different so no worries on feeling too bad about yourself, we will turn it around tomorrow. AND, you shouldn't feel bad about this! Taking a break from a diet, a lifestyle, or whatever it may be is mentally healthy! 

Love yourself, treat yourself, and enjoy your Sunday 💓☀️🍦


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