Day 22
Check in: Sometimes we worry about everyone else and forget about ourselves; our family, our boss, our recipients at work, our friends- the list goes on. But none of those people can benefit from you if you aren't in tip top shape. There are times when we think there is nothing we really need and everything is great, but unless we really check in with ourselves, here and now, to see if there is something going on with us physically or mentally- we may never know. I had been going along my days feeling great, loving myself day after day; but there was something that I felt that wasn't going right. I checked into my body with deep relaxation and meditation and found that my SI joint was so off that my right leg is about 3-4 inches longer than my left. This has happened to me a few other times before and with a little massage, PT, and daily work it ended up getting better. I had just been trucking through my days like no big deal when in actuality I...
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